PowerPoint or Prezi, Pepsi or Coke –these are called fiercest debates of this modern era. So here in this article, I am going to share with you some reason due to you should stop using PowerPoint and start using Prezi. So after reading this article, you will know that which presentation software is best for you. So if you are going to create an exciting presentation and you are trying to decide between the newer nonlinear software tool Prezi and the old traditional Microsoft PowerPoint then you need to read this whole article.

For a long time when you want to create a presentation then PowerPoint is must for you but a couple of years ago Prezi is developed and it changed to the whole scenario. The name of this software is derived from the word ‘presentation’. Prezi offers us a beautiful and easy alternative to old traditional PowerPoint presentations. This software is also changing the market because of its lots of good features.

   4 Reasons why you should stop using PowerPoint
and start using Prezi

There are lots of reasons due to which you need to start using Prezi but here in this article, I am going to share with you top 4 reasons.

1. Escape from Linearity

We all have been creating linear presentations from more than 20 years but linear presentations are not the right way to present an idea. The linear format of PowerPoint is not easily adaptable to your requirements when needed. Normally all the slides that we create in PowerPoint are of the same size, one slide fades into the next slide, and we present all the slides in the same order. But on the other hand, Prezi allows us to merge objects together, build a path for the slides and much more. So that’s why Prezi is simple and efficient as compared to traditional Microsoft word.

2. Best for Digital Age

Slicker graphics and movements are available in Prezi so that’s why this software is best for seamlessly integrating multimedia content. This advanced software allows us to embed videos as well as some other elements directly into our presentation, so this will not disturb our presentation flow. But on the other hand, if you are using old traditional Microsoft PowerPoint then you need to minimize your browser to open PowerPoint.

3. It is online

As Prezi is available is online so you can access your presentations, wherever you are, on any available device, so you can create presentations from a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Due to its advanced features, Prezi is best for collaboration, so in this way, multiple people are able to use it and add content to it.

4. Better Presentations

The effective story plays an important role in every good presentation. Prezi helps you to arrange the story information spatially. Additionally, the advanced zoom feature and transitions help the user to explain the different ideas which are related to one and another. The user can easily visually explain the different points using Prezi.  Its advanced features also help you to emphasize the points of the story that you are trying to make. So in this way you can make better presentations with the help of this software.



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